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How to Work with Me

I primarily use Upwork to manage projects and payments, offering several benefits for my clients:

  • Proven History: View my work history and client reviews on Upwork to gauge the quality of my services.
  • Secure Payments: Upwork's escrow system ensures safe and protected transactions for both parties.
  • Dispute Resolution: Upwork provides a dispute resolution process for your peace of mind.

The Content Audit Process

  1. Due Diligence: Research my services and expertise to ensure a content audit aligns with your strategy.
  2. Contact: Use the contact form below to get in touch directly. Please provide project details as outlined in the requirements section.
  3. Contract: After discussing your project, I'll create an Upwork contract outlining the scope, timeline, and milestones.

Project Requirements

To get started, please provide the following information:

  1. Your website URL for the audit
  2. Project goals (e.g., improve SEO, increase engagement, boost conversion rates)
  3. Primary concerns about your current content
  4. Specific pages or sections to focus on (if any)
  5. Areas to exclude from the audit (if any)
  6. Any questions or concerns about the content audit process

What to Expect

Our content audit service includes:

  • Comprehensive content inventory
  • Detailed content analysis
  • SEO optimization recommendations
  • User engagement improvement strategies
  • Actionable content improvement plan

Ready to Optimize Your Website's Content?

Mihai H. Profile Picture

Mihai H.

SEO | Content Audit | Keyword Research

Work with me

Have Questions?

Use the contact form below to get in touch, and I'll respond promptly to discuss your project needs.

Useful Resources